The website is owned by VITAMIA d.o.o. The website owner is committed to respecting your privacy and the laws governing privacy and data protection. The company VITAMIA doo (hereinafter the company) operates in accordance with the provisions on personal data protection (ZVOP-1, Ur.l.RS, No. 94/2007) and with the General EU Regulation on data protection (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ).


The privacy policy applies to the visitor (hereinafter the user) of the website who visits the website for the first time and on all his subsequent visits. By using the website, the visitor confirms that he accepts and agrees with all the provisions of this policy. The privacy policy is subject to change or amendment at any time without notice or notice. By using the website after changing this policy, the user confirms that he agrees with the changes.


The company undertakes to protect the confidentiality of personal data and the privacy of visitors / users of the website and to do everything necessary to protect them from any violations or abuses.



The company processes personal data on the basis of the personal consent of the individual, on the basis of a concluded contract or on the basis of law. Every visitor to the website, who on our website or on our prize games, quizzes, etc. enters personal data, also gives active personal consent for the processing of personal data on the basis of the form submitted when registering for e-news, registering for prize games, registering for prize quizzes, ordering products or registering for manuals.


The company may collect the following information about users:

  • Subscribe to e-news: Name, surname, gender, e-mail address
  • Registration for prize games or quizzes: name, surname, gender, e-mail address
  • Order of products (products on the website name, surname, street and house number, postal code and post office, telephone, e-mail address and company name (if you register as a company)
  • Contact form: name, surname, telephone, e-mail address

Personal data marked as optional may be provided by the user if desired. A user who does not provide optional personal data to the provider does not suffer any harmful consequences as a result.
By clicking on 'I agree to the terms of business' or by clicking on 'I agree with the privacy policy', the visitor of the website or the customer confirms that he was duly informed of the scope and purpose of personal data processing before submitting the data to the company. data ').


The provider also processes the IP addresses of the devices through which users access the web portal. The provider on the web portal uses cookies (cookies), by which it recognizes users, but in this way it is not possible to identify users: more about this here.
The company uses the collected data exclusively for the provision of services and the sale of products that it offers for such a purpose and to the extent that the visitor or user is previously acquainted and instructed.




The company will use the collected data on visitors (users) only for the following purposes:

  • To send pro forma invoices and invoices in the event of an order received for products or services marketed through the website.
  • To keep customer records.
  • For the realization or. delivery of the required products or services.
  • To inform about novelties in the company's offer and the website
  • To send e-news (if the person has signed up to receive our e-news)
  • For statistical and marketing analysis or. research regarding the users of the website in order to improve the offer of products and services on the website.



To subscribe to our e-news, we use the procedure of double consent or. in English double opt-in. This means that after your application, we will send you an e-mail to the specified e-mail address, asking you to confirm that you want to receive e-news. If you do not confirm your application within 14 days, your information will be blocked and then automatically deleted. In addition, we save the login time and the confirmation time. The purpose of the procedure is to be able to prove your report and, if necessary, detect possible misuse of your personal data.


With your confirmation, you agree to receive regular news with information about our new products, notifications about campaigns, interesting news about our activities and notifications about new posts on the website.


By subscribing to the e-newsletter, you consent to us analyzing your data on purchasing and user behavior (e.g., redeeming coupons, making purchases, reading articles). We record when you read our news and which links you click on, and on this basis we conclude what your personal interests are.
The legal basis for this is your consent under letter a of the first sentence of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the SUVP.


Your data is stored for the duration of the relationship with you as a customer. You can revoke your consent to send news at any time and unsubscribe from e-news. You can enforce the cancellation by clicking on the link provided in each news email or by sending a message to the contact information provided in this privacy statement.




When you contact us by e-mail or using the contact form or. We store the application form, the information you provide (your e-mail address, your name, your address, your telephone number and the reason or comment for contacting us) so that we can answer your question and place an order for products. The legal basis for this is your consent under letter a of the first sentence of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the SUVP. This information is used only for the purpose of processing the case.




To analyze the use of our website and its optimization, we use various services that partially use cookies and other technologies. If you do not agree to the use of these services, you can object to this data processing or. set your browser to prevent cookies from being stored. For individual services, it states how you can object. By filing an objection, individual providers no longer process your data for the purposes of online analysis.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by cookies about your use of this website is generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.


However, if you turn on IP anonymization on this website, Google will shorten your IP address in the Member States of the European Union or in other countries party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transferred to Google's server in the US and shortened there. As authorized by the operator of this website, Google will use this information for the purpose of analyzing your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to web page activity.

The IP address provided by your server as part of Google Analytics is not combined with other Google data.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your server software accordingly; however, we warn you that in this case you may not be able to fully use all the features of this website. In addition, you can prevent Google from recording and processing data generated by a cookie relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing a browser plug-in available at the following link: https : // hl = sl.


This website uses Google Analytics with the extension "_anonymizeIp ()". Thus, abbreviated IP addresses are further processed, thus excluding the identifiability of the individual. If, on the basis of the information obtained about you, a connection with an individual was possible, the individual is immediately excluded and the personal data is immediately deleted.


We use Google Analytics to analyze the use of our website and to improve it on a regular basis. With the help of the obtained statistics, we can improve our offer and design it to be interesting for you as a user. In exceptional cases where personal information is provided in the US, Google is subject to the EU-US Privacy Shield, The legal basis for the use of Google Analytics is the letter f of the first sentence of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the SUVP.


Third Party Information: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 436 1001. Terms of User: hl = en & gl = en Data Protection Review: and Data Protection Statement: sl & gl = sl.



The provider will not pass on the collected data to third parties.


At the same time, the company also undertakes that under no circumstances will it provide personal or other data to a third party or will not allow a third party to view the personal data of the website visitor or. user unless required to do so by a government authority, law, court, or other government agency.


The provider is not liable for any damage caused to the user because he provided the provider with incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date data relating to the user during registration.




The provider ensures the protection of personal data in accordance with this policy and with the requirements for the protection of personal data set by the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia (Personal Data Protection Act, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 86/2004 as amended) and regulations of the European Communities.


The visitor of the website or the user is informed and agrees that the company keeps his data, which he provided when registering, subscribing or subscribing to e-news as long as he is an active user and for another year after the termination of this status or. upon cancellation of the subscription to the e-news.
Other data is kept by the company for as long as is strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which the data was collected, and then permanently deleted or effectively anonymized so that certain data can no longer be associated with a particular user.


Personal data collected by the company on the basis of the explicit consent of the individual are processed only for the purposes specified in the consent and are kept until the revocation of the consent.


The user is also responsible for the protection of personal data by ensuring the security of his username and password and by updating the operating system and antivirus programs on his computer.




To ensure fair and transparent processing, you have the following rights as a user, in accordance with regulations:


The right to revoke consent

If, as a user, you have consented to the processing of your personal data (for one or more specific purposes), you have the right to revoke your consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the data processing carried out prior to its revocation.


Right of access to personal data
As a user, you have the right to receive confirmation from the provider (personal data controller) whether personal data is processed in relation to you and, where applicable, access to personal data and certain information.


The right to rectification of personal data
As a user, you have the right to have the provider correct inaccurate personal data about you without undue delay. As a user, you have the right to supplement incomplete data, including the submission of a supplementary statement, taking into account the purposes of processing;


Right to erasure of personal data ("right to be forgotten")
As a user, you have the right to have your personal data deleted when there is no longer a legitimate reason for further processing.


Prevention of processing is possible in special circumstances:

  • when processing is no longer necessary in connection with the purpose of collection and treatment; when the user withdraws consent to processing;
  • when the user objects to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate reasons; if the processing was illegal;
  • when deletion is necessary to fulfill legal obligations (EU or Member State law); when the processing is related to the provision of information society services to the child.


The right to limit processing

As a user, you have the right to have the provider restrict processing when there is one of the following cases:

  • if, as a user, you dispute the accuracy of personal information;
  • when the processing is illegal and as a user you oppose the deletion and request a restriction on use;
  • when the data is no longer required for the purpose of processing and, as a user, you need it to enforce legal claims.


The right to data portability
As a user, you have the right to receive personal information about you that you have provided to the provider in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form.


Right to object to processing
As a user, you may object to processing in the case of processing for the purpose of performing tasks in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority and direct marketing (including profiling).


The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority
As a user, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, especially in the country where you have your normal residence, where your place of work is or where the breach is alleged to have taken place (in Slovenia this is the Information Commissioner) if you consider processing personal data in relation to you violates the rules on personal data protection.


As a user, all requests concerning the exercise of rights in relation to personal data, addresses, in writing, can be addressed to the controller, the company VITAMIA d.o.o., which you can do by contacting us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The website also contains links to websites that are not managed by VITAMIA d.o.o. These links are installed as an additional service on the website and the company is not responsible for their content, security or their way of protecting privacy. In this case, we recommend that the visitor review the privacy practices posted on the pages they visit.



  • The image material is copyrighted, purchased under license from Adobe Stock, or used from the website
  • The authors of the pictorial material from the website are: Matevž Lenarčič, Aleš Frelih and Dean Dubokovič.

The company is not liable for any damage that may occur to the user, because the latter is the provider when subscribing to e-news, when inquiring or when buying products or. provided incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date information.

The status of the data protection statement is indicated by the date (below). We reserve the right to change this data protection statement at any time with effect for the future. The current version is available on our website. Please visit our website regularly to find out about the valid data protection statement.

Status of this data protection statement: 30.10. 2020


You can also send us any questions, problems or comments regarding our privacy policy by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






VITAMIA d.o.o. Pod Lovrencem 12,

1351 Brezovica

+386 31 879 611





© 2024 Vitamia d.o.o. All rights reserved. Politika zasebnosti Piškotki